Looking for a fulfilling career from the inside out? I'll show you how!

Let’s tear down the wall to your next job level!

As a Career Coach & Mindset Expert for ambitious professionals I help you to identify your perfect combination of fulfilment, earning potential and purpose in your career.

Combine high-pay and purpose in your career without sacrificing your mental health.

Building an impressive and high paying career often seems to demand to leave other needs to the side. Over time, this lets us end up in roles that make us miserable, maybe even mentally sick and we don’t know how to get out of it. 

This is why I help high performing professionals to craft their perfect career path. No more trading off but combining all the things that are important to YOU – higher pay, more purpose, less stress, more personal fulfillment. Which one could you improve on right now?

How to work with me

Choose the coaching programme that feels right for you

1:1 COACHING – Get yourself, your career and your leadership to the next level

Private Coaching Sessions tailored exactly to your needs. We can either focus on career transition or mastering your next leadership level.

Group Coaching Programme – „Heal to Lead“

Live group coaching for career changers and ambitious leaders

Heal to Lead – Membership

Continuous support after your programme with regular access to Stephanie

FREE RESOURCE: Career Block Quiz

Take this quiz to find out what’s holding you back in your career right now and get worksheets for 0€ to work break through yourself

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Who is Stephanie?

About me and why I chose to become a Coach

Hi, I’m Stephanie, 33 years old, living in Northern Germany after spending a lot of years in, what feels like a second home for me, Cambridge. I also worked and lived in the US, India, Turkey and the UK, and travelled a few more.

During my career as an employee I used to work for almost every kind of company, like startups, big corporate, SMEs, always been very ambitious and did great stuff. I think, I  knew I wanted to be a coach since I was 19. But it took me a while to get there – but here we are now!

But before getting to this point, I took me a few learnings to embrace this path:

  • I always went over the edge.
  • I thought my career needed to look a certain way to be successful.
  • Sometimes, even led to lose-lose situations: I told people what I thought they wanted to hear, so of course, they couldn’t give me what I really wanted.
  • It’s not always easy and flowing but you can get from a push to a pull. Something, I’ve learned in lean management.

My first change started when I choose Cambridge over Harvard (listening to my gut feeling over rationale and lots of other people). Second was starting my coaching business.


Because I have learned: Don’t do things because you “should”, it burns you out.

You always got to take care of yourself: as a an employee, as the CEO, as an entrepreneur, as a partner, as a human being.

We don’t learn that but we should:

In a world where (almost) everything is possible, you need to define your own framework, focus and boundaries, otherwise you get overwhelmed and end up blaming your boss / the company / the system / your partner  / yourSELF.
During all these experiences, I learned many lessons that led me to do what I do and love to do now:
To help others build a successful and fulfilling career without sacrificing their mental health.

Does this sound like YOU?

If you felt a YES let's have a talk!

Book your free call with me and explore how I can help you!